MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENTGreek Singer Foureira Expresses Her Disappointment at Greek Jury’s Allocation of 4 Points to Cyprus at Eurovision

Greek famous singer Eleni Foureira has had her say on the recently concluded Eurovision. Following her first concert on Saturday night at the Katrakeio Theatre of Athenssince and since the birth of her son, Foureira expressed her disappointment regarding the Greek jury’s allocation of 4 points to Cyprus and Andrew Lambrou during the Eurovision Song Contest. She remarked, “I felt sad. It’s a personal business how someone votes. Cyprus deserved the 12 points this year. He was perfect and the song was excellent.” Foureira believed that Lambrou deserved the highest score from Greece.

When asked about the possibility of returning to the Eurovision Song Contest, Foureira remained open to the idea but did not provide a definitive answer. She stated, “Yeah, it would be a pleasure to do it for Greece, it’s my country and I love it. If I have the proposal, I will think about it.” However, she did not comment on the topic of Greek participation and Victor Vernicos.

Foureira is scheduled to perform at Het Grote Songfestivalfeest in Amsterdam on November 16th.

Greek Singer Foureira | Photo: Eleni Foureira/FB