JOINT ACTION PLANGreece, Cyprus, and Jordan Sign the Joint Action Plan for 2023

On Tuesday, Greece, Cyprus, and Jordan signed the “Greece-Cyprus-Jordan Joint Action Plan” for 2023 in Nicosia. The signing took place between Brigadier General Vasilios Tsamis of the Hellenic Army, Brigadier General Khalil Suleiman Abed Rabbo Talas of the Jordanian Armed Forces, and Colonel Alcibiades Alcibiades of the Cyprus National Guard.

The Joint Action Plan is part of the Greek Defence Ministry’s broader strategy for international cooperation among the Armed Forces. It stems from discussions held between General Konstantinos Floros, the head of the Greek Defence Ministry, and Major General Yousef Ahmed Al-Hnaity, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Jordan Armed Forces. These discussions occurred during General Floros’ official visit to Jordan and his attendance at the 13th Special Operations Forces Exhibition (SOFEX-22) on October 31 and November 1, 2022.

The signing of the plan reinforces the commitment of Greece, Cyprus, and Jordan to enhance their cooperation in matters of defense and security. It establishes a framework for joint activities and initiatives to strengthen their collective capabilities and contribute to regional stability. The plan represents a significant step forward in the collaboration between the three nations, fostering closer ties and promoting shared objectives in defense-related matters.

The implementation of the Greece-Cyprus-Jordan Joint Action Plan is expected to facilitate greater coordination, information sharing, and training exchanges among the armed forces of the three countries. It demonstrates their mutual commitment to address common challenges and bolster their defense capabilities through strategic cooperation.

