GREEK ELECTIONKyriakos Mitsotakis Re-Elected as Greek PM

Greek conservative leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis expressed his gratitude to voters for granting his party a “strong mandate” to accelerate rapid change. With over 99% of the votes counted, his New Democracy party has won 40.5% of the votes, a significant 22-point lead over the centre-left Syriza.

“The people have given us a secure majority,” said Mr Mitsotakis once the result became clearer. “Major reforms will go ahead with speed.”

Kyriakos Mitsotakis landslide election victory means he is re-elected for another 4-year term. | Photo: Reuters

These elections were called after Mitsotakis fell just short of a majority in May, aiming to secure enough seats to form a stable, single-party government. In accordance with Greek regulations for a second election, the largest party is granted a bonus of 20 to 50 seats. New Democracy, with over 40% of the vote, secured the maximum bonus of 50 seats.

Source: Greek Interior Ministry

Amidst the tragedy of a migrant boat accident, where around 500 people are believed to have perished, Greeks voted for the continuation of economic stability. The disaster had minimal impact on the campaign. Mitsotakis pledged to push ahead with major reforms promptly, highlighting the party’s aspirations for a more efficient state, improved healthcare, and better education.

The newly established far-right Spartans party emerged as a notable success, surpassing the 3% threshold to enter parliament. Combined with nationalist Greek Solution and ultra-conservative Niki (Victory), the hard right secured a bloc of over 30 seats.

Mitsotakis’s victory is unusual in Greek politics, as few parties increase their share after a first term in office. He is credited with restoring stability and growth to the Greek economy following a severe debt crisis and multiple international bailouts.

Despite ongoing cost-of-living challenges, voters opted for the party promising lower taxes and enhanced public health. The fragmentation of the left-wing vote also aided New Democracy, with Socialist PASOK expected to receive over 11% and the Communist KKE around 7%.

Mitsotakis has developed a reputation as a resilient leader, weathering various crises over the past year, including a rail disaster and a wiretapping scandal. According to Panos Koliastasis, assistant professor of politics at the University of Peloponnese, the migration crisis in 2020, when Turkey attempted to push migrants into Greek territory, contributed to a shift in Greek voters’ attitudes towards stricter and more conservative policies, perceiving the migration issue as a threat to national sovereignty.

