Stefanos Kasselakis, a candidate for the presidency of SYRIZA, has refuted the assertion made by a woman during a TV appearance that she is his grandmother. He clarified that both of his grandmothers have passed away, rejecting any familial connection with the woman.
In addition to the grandmother claim, the woman alleged that Kasselakis supports the ruling New Democracy party. Responding to these statements on social media, Kasselakis called for “respect for the memory of my two grandmothers” and expressed his disbelief at the woman’s assertions.
“A lady that I have never met was hosted on a show, she introduced herself as my grandmother and said that… I was voting ND!” Kasselakis wrote on X (formerly Twitter).
Ζητώ σεβασμό στη μνήμη των δύο γιαγιάδων μου.
Σε εκπομπή φιλοξενήθηκε κυρία που δεν έχω δει ποτέ μου, παρουσιάστηκε ως γιαγιά μου και είπε ότι… ψήφιζα ΝΔ!
Δε θα μιλήσω για προβοκάτσια.
Οι πολίτες καταλαβαίνουν.
Και με ποιους τα έχω βάλει.
Και ότι δεν με «κρατάει» κανένας.— Stefanos Kasselakis – Στέφανος Κασσελάκης (@skasselakis) September 19, 2023