FERRY INTERESTINGTwo of the Crew Members Involved in Ferry Passenger’s Death Released on Conditions

Piraeus, Greece – Two crew members accused of involvement in the tragic death of a ferry passenger on September 5th have been released on conditions. This decision follows a deliberation by the judicial council of misdemeanors.

The vice-captain and another crew member of the Blue Horizon ferry have been granted release with specific conditions, including a travel ban outside the country and a requirement to regularly report to their local police department. Their release came after a dispute arose between the investigative magistrate and the prosecutor regarding whether they should be detained until their trial.

The incident in question involved the unfortunate death of 36-year-old Antonis Karyotis, who was pushed from the ferry’s ramp into the sea and subsequently drowned as the ferry, bound for Crete, was departing from the port of Piraeus. A video of the incident depicted the victim being pushed multiple times before ending up in the sea, with no crew members attempting to render assistance.

In a disturbing twist, a leaked recording of radio conversations among the crew members seemed to reveal racist sentiments. The ship’s master was heard suggesting that he believed the passenger to be a foreigner.

“I thought he didn’t have a ticket,” the ship’s master remarked. “I thought he was black, a Pakistani.”

As a result of the ongoing investigation into Karyotis’s death, two additional individuals have been charged. The ship’s master faces charges of homicide with possible intent, while the other two crew members have been charged with complicity. Furthermore, the captain of the ferry has been charged with severe breaches of shipping regulations. Both the ship’s master and the captain remain in detention as the legal proceedings continue.


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