Remember when Cardi B chucked that microphone into the crowd? Well, guess what? That very mic just got sold on eBay for a whopping almost $100,000. Yeah, you heard me right!

This isn’t your everyday mic, though. It’s not just any old microphone that decided to take a leap of faith into the crowd. Nope, this mic has become the stuff of legend after Cardi B launched it into the wild crowd during a concert in Las Vegas. Why? Well, it seems a fan thought it was a fantastic idea to drench her with a drink. In response, Cardi turned into the ultimate mic tosser and sent that thing flying like she was competing in a microphone Olympics or something.

But here’s where it gets even wilder. The person who owned the audio equipment company responsible for that airborne mic decided to put it up for auction on eBay. Can you believe it? Initially, they were hoping for around $5,000, which is no small chunk of change, mind you. But the bids went wild, and before they knew it, this microphone that had soared through the air and made waves on the internet was snatched up for a whopping $99,900!

But wait, there’s a twist to this story that makes it even cooler. The guy who auctioned off the mic, Scott Fisher, is a man with a plan. He’s decided to take all that cash and do some good with it. Yep, every single dollar is heading straight to charity. The charities getting the love? The Wounded Warrior Project, helping veterans, and Friendship Circle Las Vegas, which brings together young volunteers with folks who have disabilities and special needs.
And the best part? This isn’t some fake mic stunt. Nope, Scott made sure this was the real deal, the actual mic Cardi used to vent her frustration. How? Well, those clever folks behind the scenes like to label their gear, and this mic was no exception. There was some white tape on it, a little secret code, marking it as Cardi B’s mic. So there you have it, folks – a mic that flew through the air for charity. It’s like showbiz and kindness came together in the most unexpected, microphone-y way.