NARROW ESCAPEMoment Teen Wearing Headphones Nearly Killed by Tram

In a shocking incident caught on camera, an 18-year-old teenager narrowly escaped a life-threatening accident when she unknowingly stepped in front of an approaching tram in the northern Turkish state of Samsun. The young woman had her headphones on as she casually walked onto a crossing, completely unaware of the tram approaching her.

Source: TRT Haber

As the tram came to a sudden braking halt, the teenager was knocked to the ground. Startled by the near-death experience, she later revealed to Turkish media, “I put the headset to distract myself, but I almost died because of it.”

The security camera footage from September last year recently resurfaced on social media, showing the girl looking in the opposite direction as the tram approached, only realizing it was inches away from her. She attempted to run out of the way, but the tram clipped her, causing her to fall to the ground.

Thankfully, several concerned members of the public rushed to her aid, and she did not suffer any serious injuries. The train driver, who was approaching Paruthan station on Line 1, stated, “The accident occurred around 08:00 in the morning while the young woman was passing without looking to her right or left.”

“I sounded the siren, however, when the girl did not hear me, I applied the emergency brake, which is a strong brake,” the Tram driver added.

This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of being aware of one’s surroundings, especially near tram tracks and other forms of public transportation. Headphones and distractions can impair our ability to perceive potential dangers, and it is crucial to stay vigilant and alert while crossing roads or railways.