I'M SORRY MAMAStefanos Tsitsipas Sorry for Cursing Mother During Match Against Russia’s Danil Medvedev

Stefanos Tsitsipas has publicly acknowledged his mistake and expressed his feelings of shame following a recent incident where he cursed at his mother during a tennis match in Rome.

In an interview with Greek sports site SDNA, Tsitsipas admitted, “It was my big mistake. I’m ashamed that I spoke to my mother like that. At that moment, however, I had lost my mental stability in the match. I did not expect my opponent to fight so hard and perform so well on the court. I felt agitated by the distractions coming from the box, which was the last thing I wanted on top of everything else.”

Tsitsipas’ mom, Julia Apostoli at the Italian Open Match

The incident, captured in a viral video, showed Tsitsipas blaming his mother for constantly talking and making remarks to him. He particularly found the use of the Russian language by his mother, while his opponent Danil Medvedev is also Russian, to be bothersome.

Recognizing the impact of the incident, Tsitsipas stated that it was not a good example for children or for the wider world. He believed that a mother’s role should not involve coaching and should not be given the opportunity to intervene in that manner. However, he acknowledged that his mother possesses knowledge about tennis, which makes their situation somewhat different. He expressed his hope that such behavior would never repeat itself, as it was undeniably unprofessional. Tsitsipas pledged to reflect on his actions and think twice before saying anything if he were to face a similar situation in the future.

Apostolos, Tsitsipas’ father and coach, also addressed the incident, describing it as tension between a mother and a son. He explained that Tsitsipas’ mother acted out of maternal concern and the desire to support her child. Tsitsipas himself wanted to demonstrate that he could handle the competition independently, without revealing vulnerable aspects of himself to his opponent.

