SELLING DUMBBELLBrett Oppenheim Hits Twin Brother in the Head with a Dumbbell on Mykonos Trip

During a trip to Mykonos, Selling Sunset star Jason Oppenheim encountered an unexpected mishap involving his brother, Brett Oppenheim. Jason had been sharing glimpses of the vacation on Instagram, including photos of himself working out and enjoying the scenic views. However, one post caught the attention of fans as it featured Jason icing his forehead with a disgruntled expression. In the caption, Brett revealed the reason behind Jason’s anger, stating, “I accidentally hit J in the head with a dumbbell, and I think he’s still mad about it.”

The brothers share regular updates of their trip to Mykonos. | Credit: Brett Oppenheim/Insatagram
Mykonos trip is just one of the many vacations the twin brothers have taken together. | Credit: Brett Oppenheim/Insatagram

The Mykonos trip is just one of the many vacations the twin brothers have taken together. They previously enjoyed a week on the Greek island in September, accompanied by their respective partners at the time. Brett was joined by his girlfriend, tattoo artist Samantha Abdul, while Jason was with his then-girlfriend, Marie Lou Nurk. Brett and Abdul were first seen together in August, shortly after Brett’s split from ex-girlfriend Tina Louise in December 2021.

Brett’s and ex-girlfriend Tina Louise. | Credit: Brett Oppenheim/Insatagram

According to a source close to Abdul, the couple met in Mykonos during a vacation in July and instantly connected. Despite the distance between them, with Abdul based in Hamburg, Germany, they managed to see each other multiple times and enjoyed each other’s company. Their relationship is said to be taking things slow as they navigate the challenges of a long-distance connection.

As of now, it is unclear what the current status of Brett and Abdul’s relationship is, as neither has shared public posts featuring each other or been seen together recently.