Heading to Bali for a getaway? Prepare to shell out a little extra cash as foreign tourists are now required to pay a 150,000 rupiah levy to enter the picturesque Indonesian island, effective from Valentine’s Day.
The new entry tax, equivalent to around $9.60, is a move by Indonesian authorities to safeguard Bali’s environment and preserve its rich cultural heritage. This measure aims to manage the influx of visitors and mitigate the impact of tourism on the island’s pristine beaches, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture.

Tourists entering Bali from abroad or other parts of Indonesia will be subject to this levy, while domestic Indonesian tourists remain exempt from the fee. To streamline the process, travellers are encouraged to pay the levy in advance through the Love Bali website before their arrival.
Bali has long been a magnet for tourists worldwide, attracting nearly 4.8 million visitors between January and November last year. Tourism has historically been a significant contributor to Bali’s economy, accounting for approximately 60% of the province’s annual GDP before the onset of the pandemic.
According to Bali’s statistics bureau, Australia topped the list of foreign tourist arrivals in November 2023, with over 100,000 visitors, followed by tourists from India, China, and Singapore.
However, the influx of tourists has not been without its challenges. In recent years, incidents involving misbehaving tourists have sparked tensions among locals. Last March, a Russian man was deported from Bali for indecent exposure on Mount Agung, a sacred site for Hindus. Similarly, authorities announced plans to prohibit foreign tourists from using motorbikes following several cases of traffic violations.
In 2021, a video went viral showing a Russian couple engaging in sexual activities on Mount Batur, another revered location in Bali, causing widespread outrage. Interestingly, the introduction of the entry tax coincided with Indonesia’s election day, where millions of Indonesians cast their votes to elect a new president and legislature.